As a general rule, tax residents are recognized (Articles 3-5 of the Income Tax Law -
Gelir vergisi kanunu, N 193, 31.12.1960, hereinafter - the Law):
- individuals whose place of residence is in Turkey (domicile);
- individuals permanently residing in Turkey for more than 6 months in a calendar year. When calculating the term, temporary departures are not taken into account. For the purposes of applying this criterion, individuals who come to Turkey for work, science, experts, press and broadcasting reporters and other persons whose situation is similar to those who come to Turkey for a specific or temporary duty or for the purpose of studying or treatment or vacation or travel.
Recognition of an individual as a tax resident of Turkey does not depend on his citizenship.
There is no formal obligation to inform about a change in tax status. However, income taxpayers are required to obtain a tax card (Article 20 of the Tax Process Law -
Vergi usul kanunu, N 213, 04.01.1961).
The occurrence of the obligation to pay tax depends on the type of income (wages, income from the sale of property, dividends, etc.), therefore, the detailed procedure for fulfilling the tax obligation is described on the corresponding page dedicated to a
specific income.
The Turkish tax residency criteria are described by the OECD in English
Whether or not you meet the criteria for being recognized as a Turkish tax resident, you may be tax resident in another country. Check it out by selecting another jurisdiction that is relevant to you