As a general rule, persons are recognized as tax residents if any of the following conditions are met (Article 6 of the Income Tax Law -
Zakon o dohodnini, ZDoh-2, hereinafter referred to as the Law):
- has an officially registered permanent place of residence in Slovenia;
- has his usual place of residence or center of his personal and economic interests in Slovenia, or stays in Slovenia for a total of more than 183 days at any time during the tax year.
If during the tax year any of the above conditions is met, the person will be recognized as a tax resident
at any time of the corresponding year. At the same time, the tax year coincides with the calendar year (Article 15 of the Law).
There is an exception to the general rule, according to which a person is recognized as a non-resident if
all of the following conditions are met (Article 7 of the Law):
1) residence in Slovenia solely for the purpose of employment as a foreign expert for work for which there are not enough suitable personnel in Slovenia;
2) was not a resident at any time during the five years prior to arrival in Slovenia;
3) is not the owner of real estate in Slovenia;
4) will stay in Slovenia for a total of less than 365 days in two consecutive tax years.
An individual who stays in Slovenia solely for study or medical treatment is also not a resident.
There are features of recognition of a Slovenian civil servant as a tax resident, a detailed description can be found in the Law (link above).
Recognition of an individual as a tax resident of Slovenia does not depend on his citizenship.
The occurrence of the obligation to pay tax depends on the type of income (wages, income from the sale of property, dividends, etc.), therefore, the detailed procedure for fulfilling the tax obligation is described on the corresponding page dedicated to a
specific income.
Slovenian tax residency criteria are described by the OECD in English
Whether or not you meet the criteria for being a Slovenian tax resident, you may be a tax resident in another country. Check it out by selecting another jurisdiction that is relevant to you