Taxation of personal income is regulated by the
Tax Code of Georgia (TC G). Under the general taxation system, income tax (PIT) is levied.
The procedure for paying PIT from income under an employment contract depends on two main factors:
- place of employment (on the territory of Georgia or abroad);
- tax status (whether an individual receiving income is recognized as a
tax resident in Georgia).
Remuneration for the performance of labor duties in Georgia is income from sources in Georgia (clause 1, article 104 of TC G). And remuneration for performing work duties outside of Georgia is income from sources outside of Georgia. At the same time, the place of performance of labor duties is determined not at the location of the employer or the place of receipt of wages, but at the place of work of the employee himself, taking into account the terms of his employment contract (clause 2, article 104 of TC G).
Recognition of labor remuneration as income from sources in Georgia or income from sources outside Georgia affects the procedure for paying PIT.
In Georgia, the territorial principle of taxation of income of individuals is applied. That is, tax residents of Georgia do not pay tax on income received from sources outside Georgia (clause "x", clause 1, article 82 of TC G). This also applies to income from employment. Tax non-residents also pay tax only on income from sources in Georgia (Art. 134 TC G).
Procedure for declaring and paying taxAccording to PIN, the reporting period is set - a calendar year (Article 135 TC G).
As a general rule, the calculation, withholding, and payment of PIT from the salary of employees (both tax residents and non-residents), as well as the submission of tax returns, is carried out by the employer, who is recognized as a tax agent (clause 1, article 154 TC G).
A foreign employer is recognized as a tax agent in relation to the income of employees (both tax residents and non-residents) if it has a branch or representative office in Georgia. At the same time, a foreign organization that does not have a branch or representative office in Georgia, but which carries out economic activity in Georgia, can also be recognized as a tax agent. In this case, a foreign organization is recognized as having a "permanent establishment" in Georgia and is subject to tax registration (clauses 1, 11, article 29 TC G). The duties of a tax agent in such a case shall be performed by such a foreign employer in a manner similar to that applicable to an
employer in Georgia.
The withheld tax is paid by the employer - tax agent
immediately after the payment of income, and in the case of payments in non-monetary form - on the last day of the corresponding month (clause "a", clause 3, article 154 TC G). The employer submits to the tax authority a certificate for each recipient of income
by the 15th day of the month following the month in which the payroll tax was withheld (clauses "c", clause 3, article 154 TC G). Also, the employer submits a declaration for each month
by the 15th day of the next month (clause 5, article 153, clause 4, article 154 TC G).
If the employer is a foreign organization that is not tax registered in Georgia, then it is not recognized as a tax agent. In this case, the employee pays the PIT on his own (clauses "a.b", clause 1, article 154 TC G). It also provides for the possibility of removing the duties of a tax agent from a foreign employer if the employee independently declares and pays income tax (clause 5, article 154 TC G).
When self-declaring and paying tax, it is necessary to file a tax return and pay income tax
before April 1 of the year following the reporting year (clause 2, article 62, clause 1, article 153 TC G).
Tax calculationThe object of taxation is the total income for the calendar year.
As mentioned above, deductions may be applied to the income of tax residents, while deductions are not applied to the income of non-residents (Article 80 TC G). At the same time, deductions are not provided for income under an employment contract.
Income under an employment contract when performing labor activities in Georgia is taxed at a
rate of 20%, regardless of the tax status of both the employee and the employer (paragraph 1 of article 81, subparagraphs "e" of paragraph 1 of article 134 TC G).
Thus, the procedure for taxation of income under an employment contract with a foreign employer is largely the same for any employee - both for tax residents and non-residents. However, there are some features.
The following describes the features of the taxation of the PT of wages, depending on the
tax status of an individual. A brief note on the criteria for tax residency in Georgia is also provided.