Property tax in Serbia
Tax calculation
Property tax is calculated based on the value of real estate, which is determined differently depending on the status of the taxpayer (an individual who is not an entrepreneur or an entrepreneur). The tax for individuals is determined based on the useful area of real estate and the average price per square meter, which is determined by the local government on the basis of the price of transactions for the past period in the relevant zone and is published annually no later than November 30 of each year. The tax for entrepreneurs is determined based on the value reflected in the books under the fair value method in accordance with IFRS at the end of the year (Articles 5-7a of the Law). The tax authority, at the request of the taxpayer, within 15 days must provide the necessary information to determine the amount of tax (Article 9 of the Law).
The tax rate is determined by the local government within the following values (Article 11 of the Law):
For real estate (except for land plots) of taxpayers who do not keep accounting records, the rates are determined as follows:
Tax on the transfer of exclusive rights in Serbia
The objects of taxation with the tax on the transfer of rights in Serbia are transfer operations (Article 23 of the Law):
At the same time, transactions of transfer of rights are not subject to taxation if (Article 24a of the Law):
Tax calculation
Transfer tax is calculated based on the transaction price, if it is not lower than the market price. In this case, the tax authority has the right to determine the amount of tax based on the market assessment. In this case, he must, within 60 days after receiving the declaration, determine the tax based on the market valuation (Article 27 of the Law).
The tax on used cars is determined based on the engine size (320 RSD per cm3), engine power (6400 RSD per kW) and the vehicle's age factor. Such a coefficient is determined according to the following scale (Article 27a of the Law):
Therefore, the calculation of the tax base for a used car is calculated using the formula:
Tax = (320*engine size + 6400*engine power)*vehicle age.
The tax rate is 2.5% of the relevant tax base.
Inheritance and gift tax in Serbia
Procedure for declaring and paying tax
As a general rule, it is not required to submit a tax return if the receipt of property is formalized by a notary in the prescribed manner. In this case, the taxpayer provides the necessary information and a statement of the right to tax exemption to the notary, who transfers the information to the authorized body (Article 34 of the Law).
In these cases, the amount of tax is calculated by the tax authority. Otherwise, the taxpayer must submit a tax return within 30 days after the relevant transaction (Article 35 of the Law).
Instructions on the procedure for electronic declaration can be found here.
The tax is payable by individuals within 15 days from the date of delivery of the relevant decision of the tax authority. Without payment of tax, registration of rights to the relevant property subject to registration in state registers is not carried out (Articles 38, 40 of the Law).
Tax calculation
The tax base for inheritance and gift tax is determined in a manner similar to that for property rights transfer tax, including a special procedure for used vehicles (Article 16 of the Law). In addition, the tax base is reduced by the amount of debts and encumbrances received (Article 34 of the Law).
The tax rate differs for heirs / donee on the basis of kinship (Article 19 of the Law):