Taxation of personal income is regulated by the
Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (TC RK). Under the general taxation system, an individual income tax (PIT) is levied.
The procedure for paying PIT from income under an employment contract depends on three main factors:
- places of performance of labor activity (on the territory of Kazakhstan or abroad);
- the status of the employer (whether the employer is recognized as a tax agent);
- tax status (whether an individual - the recipient of income is recognized as a
tax resident in the Republic of Kazakhstan).
Remuneration for the performance of labor duties in Kazakhstan is income from sources in Kazakhstan (clause 20, clause 1, article 644 of TC RK). And remuneration for performing work duties outside of Kazakhstan is income from sources outside of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the place of performance of labor duties is determined not at the location of the employer, but at the place of work of the employee himself, taking into account the terms of his employment contract (clause 3, clause 1, article 28 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
Recognition of wages as income from sources in Kazakhstan or income from sources outside of Kazakhstan affects the procedure for paying PIT, as well as the calculation of the amount of PIT.
As a general rule, regardless of the place of employment, a Kazakhstani employer is recognized as a tax agent in relation to the income of employees - both tax residents and non-residents. The tax agent must calculate, withhold and pay to the budget of the IIT (clause 1 of article 317 of TC RK).
At the same time, a foreign organization that does not have a branch or representative office in Kazakhstan, but which, through its employees, performs work (renders services) in Kazakhstan for more than 183 days within 12 consecutive months, may also be recognized as a tax agent. In this case, a foreign organization is recognized as having a "permanent establishment" in Kazakhstan and is subject to tax registration (clause 2, article 220 of TC RK).
Procedure for declaring and paying taxFor the PIT two different tax periods are established: in the presence of a tax agent - a
calendar month (Article 354 of TC RK); when paying tax by an individual on his own - a
calendar year (Article 361 of TC RK).
The employer submits a tax return for each quarter (ITI reporting period for a tax agent) by the
15th day of the second month following the reporting period (Articles 355, 657 of TC RK).
The deadline for paying tax withheld by a tax agent from residents and non-residents is the same, but is set in different articles of TC RK. Namely, the employer pays the tax no later than
the 25th day of the month following the month in which the income was paid.
A tax agent has the right to pay PIT at his own expense, without withholding tax from the income of an employee - both a tax resident and a non-resident (clause 5 of article 351, clause 9 of article 655 of TC RK). Moreover, the amount of such tax will not be the income of the employee (clause 47, clause 2, article 319, clause 2, article 644 of TC RK).
There are special features of taxation for officials and their spouses (Article 630 of TC RK).
Tax calculationIt is planned to reduce the tax base of an employee by the so-called. adjustments, in particular, for the following amounts of income from the employer (Article 353 of TC RK):
payments by the employer to cover the medical expenses of the employee or the employer's expenses for voluntary insurance of the employee in case of illness, material assistance from the employer at the birth of a child, assistance for burial. The adjustment is applied on the basis of the employee's application, while the amount of adjustment for all these payments is limited to
94 MCI * (clause 18 clause 1 article 341 of TC RK);
the employer's expenses for training on the terms of continuing to work with the employer for at least 3 years (clause 25, clause 1, article 341 of TC RK).
Adjustments can be applied to the income of employees, regardless of their tax status (resident or non-resident).
Income in the form of wages when performing labor activities in Kazakhstan is taxed at a
rate of 10%, regardless of the tax status of both the employee and the employer (clause 1, article 317, clause 3, article 655 of TC RK).
Employees under an employment contract in Kazakhstan do not pay social tax (Article 482 of TC RK).
The following describes the features of taxation of PIT wages depending on the tax status of an individual. A brief note on the criteria for a tax resident in Kazakhstan is also provided.