Real estate transfer tax in Slovenia
Tax calculation
The tax is calculated based on the sale price of the property. If the price is more than 20% lower than the total market value established on the basis of the real estate mass valuation law, then the tax base is determined as 80% of such market value. In this case, the taxpayer has the right to demand that the tax be recalculated on the basis of the individual market value, that is, on the basis of an assessment carried out at his own expense (Art. 8 ZDPN-2).
As a general rule, the taxpayer does not need to calculate the tax, it will be calculated by the tax authority (Art. 9 ZDPN-2).
The tax rate is 2%.
See the page on taxation of income from the sale of real estate in Slovenia for the payment of real estate value added tax.
Inheritance and gift tax in Slovenia
Slovenia has a separate inheritance and gift tax, which is regulated by the Law ZDDD.
Tax payers are persons who have received property by inheritance or as a gift (art. 3 ZDDD).
The object of taxation with this tax is the receipt from an individual or legal entity of the following types of property (Art. 2 ZDDD):
In some cases, tax relief is provided, in particular (Art. 9 ZDDD):
It is important to note that the heirs of the 1st stage are children and spouses (art. 11 of the ZD law).
Procedure for declaring and paying tax
As a general rule, the taxpayer, within 15 days after receiving the gift, must submit a declaration to the tax authority where he is registered with the tax authorities, and in case of receiving real estate (including movable property) - to the tax authority at the location of the real estate. In the case of a donation of only movable property, if the recipient is not registered with the tax authorities in Slovenia, then a declaration must be submitted to the tax authority at the location of the donor. The declaration must indicate the value of the property received (art. 13 ZDDD).
In the case of inheritance of property, as a general rule, information is received by the tax authorities from the court, which approves the inheritance procedure. This is the tax authority at the location of real estate (including when inheriting simultaneous movable and immovable property), at the place of registration of the heir (if any in Slovenia), or at the place of registration of the deceased.
For violation of the deadline for filing a declaration, strict liability is provided from €210 to €1200 (Art. 22 ZDDD).
After that, the tax authority makes a decision on the assessment of tax within 30 days after receiving the declaration or decision on the order of inheritance (Art. 16 ZDDD).
Tax calculation
The tax is calculated based on the market price of the property received, deducting debts, expenses and encumbrances associated with the property received (art. 5, 23 ZDDD). At the same time, the value of movable property is reduced by €5,000. Money in another currency is converted at the rate of the European Central Bank.Vehicle tax in Slovenia
- up to a year - 91%;
- more than 1 year - 83%;
- more than 2 years - 76%;
- more than 3 years - 70%;
- more than 4 years - 64%;
- more than 5 years - 58%;
- more than 6 years - 53%;
- more than 7 years - 48%;
- more than 8 years - 43%;
- more than 9 years - 38%;
- more than 10 years - 33%.
In order to receive a refund of the amount of tax (its part), it is necessary to submit an appropriate application in electronic form through the information system within 3 months after the grounds for the refund arise.
To pay tax on income from the sale of a car, see the page on taxation of income from the sale of movable property in Slovenia.